
49 by 29: July 7 - State 49 was fine!

(If this picture looks familiar, it should. I pulled it off the internet because I forgot to take photos of our more "common" coffee stops...like Starbucks.)

-Camp coffee (Folger's instant brew made on camp stove). Found myself up early today, so I got coffee and breakfast going while Jeremy slept. Enjoyed my coffee and time with God on a log near the river by our tent.
-Starbucks Italian roast in Princeton, West Virginia
Half a watermelon
Quarter pounder, fries and frosty from Wendy's (our ONLY fast food stop the entire trip!)
Breaded chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and peas at the table of folks we met only an hour before dinner. Thanks, Anthony and Rachel!

From the journal:
We bought a watermelon at a roadside produce stand on our way out of Johnson City, Tennessee, and ate it at a rest area down the road. It wasn't the best watermelon ever, but it certainly wasn't the worst, either. A fun memory.

After the watermelon was consumed, we drove into West Virginia! State 49! Hawaii here I come! Someday...

A family friend put us in touch with his friends Anthony and Rachel in Princeton, West Virginia, and they agreed to let us pitch our tent in their backyard. While waiting for them to return home after work, Jer and I killed time at Starbucks. I was finally able to journal about the robbery. For that I was glad because I desperately needed to "write it out."

Recent newlyweds, Anthony and Rachel had never had guests other than my friend Bob and their own family members. Jer and I felt honored to be their first...especially since they fed us like royalty and offered such kind, listening ears to our tales. I hope they will open their doors again.

After dinner, Anthony let me play his Ibenez acoustic bass. I've always wanted to play an acoustic bass! Yeah! We jammed together on a few songs, and I enjoyed watching Anthony play his guitar, which was so worn it looked like Willie Nelson's beloved Trigger. I love how Christianity and music are two things that can bring people together almost instantly. How cool to share both with strangers--now friends--in the hills of West Virginia.

 Camp coffee.

 Our campsite at Riverview Campground in northeast Tennessee.

 3 seconds to state 49...

49 by 29! Thanks, Jer!

Our backyard bunk in West Virginia.

 Jeremy, me, Rachel, and Anthony. Lovely folk. So grateful for their hospitality.

 Jam session.

A well-loved guitar.

1 comment:

Janel said...

what a wonderful trip and kind people! You are all so willing to meet the people of the world!