
Steinbeck style revisited

I must admit I am truly enjoying my low-tech approach to this journey. I've been journaling daily, reveling in the introspection that pen, paper, and coffee can offer to a writer.

And yet, I have guilt. The journalist in me cringes at the fact that blogging and posting photos upon my return is akin to publishing old news. Eek. The horrors.

I guess at this point I shall have to ask you to stick it out with me. Just look at it like I'm following a magazine deadline.

P.S. In case any are wondering, I am in Pittsburgh visiting my long-time friend, Jared, and enjoying a few days of down time. Today has been spent walking, ducking into cute boutiques, writing postcards, and sipping on Earl Gray tea at the Te Cafe in Squirrel Hill. Absolutely lovely.

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