
49 by 29: July 22 - Rehearsing for the real deal

My coffee amidst many coffees. I'm sure there's some deep analogy in there: we are each a different brew at a different level in a different mug. Some are weak; some pack a punch. Some are half empty; some are holding out for a refill; some are to the brim once the cream is added; and some are frothing up and over, just begging someone to take a slurp. Some mugs are serious and functional; some are colorful and silly; some are made of glass; some are made of stone.

What are you? What do you want to be?

A French press of fresh-ground coffee from Snooze, the best a.m. eatery in Denver. Snooze is where Ben proposed to Sarah...even though they were living in Indianapolis at the time. He surprised her with a flight to Snooze, bought her her favorite food ever (pancakes), and proposed. Pretty romantic, if you ask me.  

From the journal:
Sarah made a lovely breakfast of quiche and French toast with yogurt and berries for all her bridesmaids...and me, too, cause she's sweet like that. It was a bubbly bridesmaid breakfast, and the day only got crazier from there.

After breakfast, Sarah, all seven of her bridesmaids, her mom, her mother-in-law, and me went and got manicures and pedicures. My manicure was my first. I got sparkly pink nails, which I thought looked weird, but it was really sweet of Donna (Sarah's mom) to include me in the girly fun.

After nails, everyone got dressed for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Ben's parents put on a smashing good barbecue complete with pulled pork with Country Bob's all-purpose sauce (Ben's favorite), chicken, another meat I can't remember, beans, green bean salad, pasta salad, lots of other salads I can't remember, and pies galore. I had strawberry-rhubarb, and it was delish.

All in all, the rehearsal went off without a hitch, and I think Ben and Sarah will do a wonderful job of getting hitched tomorrow.

Bridesmaid breakfast, day before the wedding.

Manicures and pedicures for all the girls.
The bride with her ever-present Starbucks.

Mother-daughter time at the spa. Looking good, ladies!

Love is blind to oncoming motorhomes in this post rehearsal dinner kiss.

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