
Six-Word Memoirs

The other day I was leafing through an old edition of the AARP magazine. No pun intended in that sentence. Honest.

Anyway, it's actually a pretty decent publication and, buried near the back cover, I found one of the coolest ideas I've come across in a long time. It was called the "Six-Word Memoir" and essentially involved capturing a grand life moment (in this edition it was near-death experiences) in six words. A few examples from the magazine:

House on fire, pool below, jumped.
~Helen, 80

Heart hurts! Hunky paramedics help. Hurray!
~Susan, 61

You get the idea. I get the idea! It reminds me of a segment the St. Petersburg Times used to run called "300 Words or Less." If you want a good, compact heart-string tug, check 'em out here. I think "Praying on the Fly" is my favorite.

Anyway, I loved the Six-Word Memoir. And I'm going to steal it for my grand recap of 2010. One post for each month of this last year. Six words each. Enjoy, and feel free to comment with a Six-Word Memoir of your own for that month.

This is going to be fun...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw that article too and made up one for me: "blessed flower child, creaky, closet-dancer". fun!!