
Need a happy face

Well, I must admit I'm not going to stick around long for this post. I have a crazy urge to make dark rye bread, so I think I'm going to brave the minus 15 degrees outside and go buy me some rye flour so I can bake away the afternoon. If my loaf turns out pretty, I'll snap a photo and share.

Mainly I just wanted to say that I realize my last post was kind of a downer. I'm not apologizing for it because I was actually feeling pretty low, but I just wanted to toss this out to the cyberworld: I know everything's gonna be okay. My head and heart are in a funky place right now as I work through some "stuff," but I am glad to be seeing that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. In the meantime, wonderful friends and family members are offering encouragement and support. I so appreciate their love. It makes me smile.

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