
I'll love you forever, Mom!

I don't think a day goes by without me recalling one or another of my Mom's "momisms." 
If I have a headache, I need to "drink three glasses of water and sit on the pot."
If I have a stomach ache, I need to "drink three glasses of water and sit on the pot."
If my heart aches, I need to drink three glasses...just joking. For that one, I remember that "this, too, shall pass." 
When I try to stuff my pain, my Mom gives me a safe place to "feel it and let it go."
When I'm being selfish, I remember to "get over it."
And when I'm restless and pacing, I tell myself to stop being "like a fart on a hot skillet." To this day, I have no idea what that actually means, but it always makes me laugh.
I could write a book about just how cool my Mom is. She is a beautiful blend of nurturing and practical, always there to catch my tears or give me a swift kick in the pants...depending on the situation and how I'm responding to that situation. I am blessed to have her as an example to follow. And I am blessed to have her as my best friend. I'll love you forever, Mom.

 Sunday school teacher extraordinaire!

 For her 50th birthday, my Mom did barrel rolls and jackhammers in a local pilot's trick plane. Yeah, she's cool like that.

 My Mom parasailing in Mexico!

 She hasn't missed a birthday dinner yet!

 Mother of the groom!

 My best friend's mom is my mom's best friend. Neat, huh?

 Mom and Flipper. My Mom has the biggest heart for animals.

 My Mom has been "mom" to many a wayfaring stranger. John was the most recent in a long line of youngsters needing a place to hang their hat...be it for a day or a year. I hope to be as hospitable.

 A dazzling sense of humor!

 My Mom, the artist. She does good work. Seriously. You should buy some.

 My Mom and I have colored in this giant coloring book EVERY Christmas since I was about eight. We finished our last picture last Christmas. What a sweet tradition!

"The whole fam damily."

I'll love you forever, Mom!

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