
Away from it all

My friend Sarah and I packed the car and headed for the mountains a few weekends ago. For me, the weekend was simply -- sweetly -- going home. I am home in the mountains; and I am home in Wyoming. Here life is slower. For Sarah, the weekend was a new adventure in a new state. Funny how getting away from it all can look so different.

I built a fire. I boiled water. I made some amazing oatmeal. And I ate it. Gladly.

Lake Marie nestled below Medicine Bow Peak in the Snowy Range Mountains west of Laramie, Wyoming.

We begin our ascent of Med Bow.

These piles of stones marked the trail.

Near the top. Sarah and I were both impressed by the boulder fields we had to scramble over. We think God threw giant boulders from heaven to create Med Bow.

Thunderstorms rolling in. Amazingly, it didn't rain until we were down the mountain and in our car headed for coffee in Laramie.

At the summit -- 12,013 feet. What a view!

Mountain climbers need energy. I used to dislike Clif Bars, but they tasted strangely good on this trek.

Fellow hikers at the top. Sarah and I both work for Operation Christmas Child and were amazed at how many people we met on the hike whose church participates in the ministry. How encouraging. Go God! Fill those shoe boxes, people!

View from the top -- away from it all.

View from the bottom. The hike is an 8-mile loop through an amazing array of landscapes.

Wyoming. Land that I love.


Sar(rah!) said...

I see that I've been replaced as your "Sarah adventure buddy"! ;) Beautiful locale, beautiful gals, looks like fun!

Hannah said...

No one can ever replace you, Sarah #1! Ever. Ever. Ever. Though I do hope you can meet Sarah #2 some time. She's a kick.