
Lent: Day Twenty-Eight

I don't know if anyone noticed or not, but this series of Lent posts was lacking something until a couple days ago: photos. The amazingness of my Tevas made me break this trend. That, and a change of heart.

You see, I was intentionally leaving photos out of my posts. The reason: I looked back at some old posts and realized how many stinkin' photos of myself I had posted. It all seemed rather self-centered. And since that is NOT what I want to be in life, I decided I needed a photo fast. Lent seemed like a good time to take one.

But I've changed my mind. Not about being self-centered, mind you, but about the lack of photos. I am living in some absolutely beautiful country right now, and I desperately want to share it with my friends and family. I want them to see God's creation the way I've been privileged to see it lately. I mean, isn't something even more beautiful when you can point at it and say to someone, "Look at that. Isn't God awesome?"

So, dear friends and family, I'm bringing the photos back. The fast was good, but in a much different way than I had anticipated. More than making me less self-centered, I think it showed me just how important people are in my life. Kind of like an "Into the Wild" realization without the deadly berries. And, you know, maybe that actually is what makes someone less self-centered. When we realize how precious people are to us, we focus on them and not ourselves.

Look at that! Isn't God awesome?

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