
Still brewing...

Well, my last post may have been a little too cup-half-full ambitious. Perhaps it was wishful thinking. Truth is, dear world, that I'm not sure what to write about right now. I have no political rants, stupid car stories, or world travels to chronicle. I have no coffee adventures to brag about. I'm just living life. I'm working hard, shooting photographs, and falling ever more in love with my man. I'm happy. And, honestly, I'm tired of writing about myself.

And yet!

I am a writer.

I have to write something or I'll go crazy.

So...things are still brewing. Since my life has turned rather unexpectedly towards photography, I've thought about starting a photo blog. I've thought about laying Blind Bartimaeus to rest (as much as the thought pains me since he's been a fun and faithful blogging friend). I've also thought about just picking Blind Bartimaeus up and running in a different direction with him.

Anyway, this feels like the lamest blog post ever (it really probably is), but I just want to be honest with you. I miss you, and I miss Blind Bartimaeus, but I think something has to change. I'll keep you posted, and in the meantime, I'll leave you with one of my favorite Haikus by Rolf Nelson of Threadless Tees:

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

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