
If I ever

If I ever...

Open a coffee shop...

I will train my baristas to be connoisseurs of both coffee and kindness.
I will offer comfy couches and chairs with the hope of promoting community.
I will not close early.
I will value you because you are you, and because you came to see me and drink my coffee.
I will give you a real mug.
I will offer to heat your muffins and scones.
I will give you a fork.
I will have free refills so you know you are welcome to stay, friend.
I will always talk coffee and books and travel and life and sports and struggles.
I will know you by name, not just by drink.


The Bosnian Kat said...

If you ever open a coffee shop and I'm remotely close, I will be a customer. :)

Staci said...

Will you hire me?? I have experience!!!

I miss making coffee. Good coffee.

Liz said...

...and you'll have trusted decaf I bet too! Hope things are going well for you. :o)