
Lent: Day Thirteen

It has been an extremely busy week, with days full of work and deadlines and appointments. And hoop jumping. Government hoops, medical hoops, hoops of office "politics." I've been sleeping poorly and stewing over sad and frustrating events in loved one's lives.

I have desperately wanted a cup of coffee (or four) to cope. Even a nice cup of mint tea would help.

When I started this Lenten fast, I told myself I wouldn't blog about missing coffee. And I still feel that way, so don't call me a hypocrite yet. I don't share about my crazy week to call attention to myself but to give the background on what lead to a pretty cool thought today.

In James it says that the fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. When I was wanting coffee so badly today, I started thinking about that word, fervent. Merriam-Webster defines it this way: marked by great intensity of feeling.

Great. Intensity. Of feeling.

Like how I want coffee.

I need to pray for the thirsty in this world, for the thirsty Living Water can help, with the same intensity that I desire coffee. It is so easy to say passing prayers (and not bad, I don't think, because we are told to pray without ceasing), but sometimes I think we need to work on fervent prayers. We need to not be afraid of our emotions, or embarrassed by them.

We need to pray like David when he threw off his clothes and danced exuberantly before God.

We need to pray coffee prayers.

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