
Welcoming the new year, Wyoming style

If you live in Wyoming, it's pretty much a given that you eat beef, that you play outside no matter how cold it is, and that you shoot stuff. Since I'm a bit of a pacifist, it's rare to find me with a gun in my hands, but I do enjoy shooting stuff in the sense of sighting through my camera lens and pulling the old shutter trigger. And I do like to play outside...

Thus, as I welcomed 2012 a few weeks ago, I did it Wyoming style: I pitched a tent on our deck in 9-degree weather on New Year's Eve and went to a sporting clays shooting party with a bunch of church folk on New Year's Day. I think 2012 is going to be a great year! How can it not be when it was welcomed marveling at the moon and shooting stuff?

Welcoming the New Year the way I'd like to spend most of it: outside!

The pastor's son, my dad, and our drummer take aim.

Husband and wife. She made it look so easy.

My pastor, on the left, and my third cousin on the right. Both were straight shooters.


Go, Daddy-o!

It's his deck and his yard, so he gets the sweet silhouetted shot.

Passing this Wyoming New Year's tradition down from father to son.


Tanya said...

I went skeet shooting once. I hit the very first clay pigeon, then I couldn't hit one ever again. I decided that must have been all I was meant to do. Thankfully, I can hit elk. :) At least twice, so far...

Hannah said...

Two elk is nothing to sneeze at! Good work!

J Stu said...

Drummer with a shotgun. Brave group.

Beauty pics...though where are you?

Hannah said...

Haha. Funny thing is, the drummer was probably the best shot.

We are shooting off the deck of a family who lives and ranches west of
Sheridan about 8 miles. Those are the Big Horn Mountains in the background.