
Free coffee and sunshine

Today is a good day! I mean, I know every day is good because God created it, but some days just have that...spark. Some days just feel like falling in love.

Like today.

The sunshine has made me smile. And desperately want to buy flower seeds. I feel like I will never, ever, ever get enough of it into my body and mind. But I'm going to try. I want to store up every shimmering sparkle that makes me squint my eyes tight. I actually kind of hope I will get an eye wrinkle as a souvenir of all this sunshiny glory.

The sunshine would have been enough, but my favorite coffee shop is also offering free coffee today! Free coffee just tastes better. I am so glad to be alive!

Below are some happy shooting shots I took last night around the property.


You said, I said

Let me come right out of the chutes and say this: I realize how ironic this post is going to sound on a public blog that's all about sharing things with the world.

But, I've got to say it anyway. This thought has been rolling around in my brain, and, very ironically, I want to throw it out there.

The thought, or, as is usually the case with me, the question: Does anyone do things quietly anymore? Are there things about people, ranging from everyday ho-hum to major life-changers, that come as complete, delightful surprises in long-awaited conversations anymore?

By sharing every detail of our lives via Twitter, text, Facebook, and blog, have we made both everything big and nothing big?

I'm brushing my hair!! Saw a movie today!! I said yes!! Stubbed my toe!! Ouch!! Baby on the way!! Moving to a different country!! Look at my new shoes!! Oatmeal!!

We write and write and write -- sometimes philosophically, sometimes not -- but does that make everything we have to say important? Maybe important is the wrong word. I don't ever want to devalue words, language, or the thoughts and feelings of another. Perhaps I mean newsworthy. Or, even more accurately, worthy of an exclamation point.

Are we to become as excited over someone's new shoes as we are over the new life currently growing in her belly? They both get two exclamation points.

Furthermore, whatever happened to delayed gratification? We are all so instantly gratified nowadays. I mean, honestly, I become anxious if I must wait more than a couple hours for a response to my exciting status on Facebook. It's lame, but I'm just being honest here.

Speaking of honesty, I don't honestly know the answers to these questions. I have inklings of opinions, but they make me lump myself right in with what I'm potentially looking down upon.

There is part of me that ABSOLUTELY LOVES sharing and hearing about all those wonderful details in life. We all want to be known. And, in some ways, all this communication has made us more known to each other than ever before.

Another part of me ABSOLUTELY LOVES talking with someone face-to-face and catching up on all the latest in one big, long-winded, rush of this and that, and isn't that exciting? There's just been many a time when someone has told me something, or I've told someone else something, and the response is, "Yeah, I saw that on Facebook." End of story. Old news. No follow-up questions.

No follow-up questions. Perhaps that is what this whole post comes down to. Maybe I am not annoyed with the exuberant amount of sharing going on these days, cause I really do enjoy it, but with the lack of counter-sharing, the lack of old-fashioned, back-and-forth conversation.

I think that's it. (Took me awhile to get around to that realization. Sheesh. That's what I get for thinking out loud on my blog.) I like sharing my life and hearing about others' lives. I'm a journalist; that is what I do. What I don't like is when the sharing becomes the point. When it's just me, me, me on the surface without entering into the give-and-take of relationship.

If your shoes are big news...let me ask why. Let us go deeper. If you're having a baby, can we share best and worst baby stories to make you laugh and encourage you? If I'm moving or taking a new job, can I announce it and expect: When? Where? How? Why?

I hope so. Let's bring back conversation!!


Lent: Day Forty

I must admit, I almost don't want to write this post. I've truly enjoyed this process of writing each day of Lent, and I feel I am going to miss it. Also, a big thank you to each of you who have followed along!

It has been so good to keep Jesus and his death and resurrection at the forefront of my mind. I hope I continue to journal and pray with as much joy and fervency as I have learned to do these last few months. And I hope you all will continue to share prayer requests. My ears are open.

I feel like I should have some grand finale to offer.  But, I don't really. I'm at peace. I'm eager to celebrate Easter tomorrow. I'm anxious to see what the year will bring -- in my life and the lives of those I love.

So, since I have no more words to share, will you let me leave you with my most favorite poem? It's a sonnet by John Donne, and it is my prayer tonight.

Holy Sonnet XIV

Batter my heart, three-personed God, for you
As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend;
That I may rise, and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend
Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new.
I, like an usurped town, to another due,
Labour to admit you, but Oh, to no end.
Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend,
But is captived, and proves weak or untrue.
Yet dearly I love you, and would be loved fain,
But am betrothed unto your enemy:
Divorce me, untie or break that knot again,
Take me to you, imprison me, for I,
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.


Lent: Day Thirty-Nine

Good Friday

This is perhaps the most solitary and quiet Good Friday I've ever experienced.

When I was young, there was the childhood hubbub that always comes with a holiday...candy, community egg hunts, photos with a giant pink bunny, preparation for church skits, anticipation of the coming sunrise service and the opening of my rainbow-filled Easter basket.

When I was a teenager, my Dad was a pastor. That gave Easter a different kind of hubbub. There was a lot of preparation: cleaning the church, rehearsing with the worship band (I play bass guitar), playing Mary the Mother of Jesus in the drama, helping my mom put together an Easter meal for those who had nowhere else to go.

When I was in college, Good Friday meant going home. Sometimes it tied a nice bow on a fun, relaxing spring break. Otherwise it meant a care package with a rainbow-filled Easter basket, complete with happy plastic grass, Whoppers, and my favorite: pastel-colored, foil-wrapped mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!

Last year, I participated in Lent for the first time, joining some of my good friends in the practice. When we would gather, we would talk about how we were doing with Lent and what the process was teaching us. It was wonderful. I appreciated all the different insights and felt prepared to celebrate Easter when it finally arrived.

This year, I am far from those good friends. And from my parents, as well. I am looking forward to Easter service and dinner with my sister-in-law's family. Her dad is a pastor, so it will feel familiar. And her family is really great...and they know how to cook!

But as for Good Friday, I've been alone. I was up early and worked hard all day. I did laundry and made dinner. I went hiking and biking in the snow. I cried in the kitchen as I reflected on what Good Friday means.

It means I have a reason to live.

It means I don't have to fear dying.

It means I am loved far, far, far beyond anything I deserve.

It means God throws my sins as far as the east is from the west and remembers them no more.

It means I need to remember the wounds in Jesus' hands, feet, head, and side -- not just today but every day because He carries them for me, for you, for the world.  

What a completely sobering and completely joyous thought! I cannot thank Him enough...


Lent: Day Thirty-Eight

If I believed all the messages
that I hear,
that I see,
that flash at me
in newspapers, magazines, and online,
I would not leave my house.

For I am not pretty enough,
or thin enough,
or shabby-chic enough.

My eyebrows need to be waxed.
My size 6,8,10 waist
(depending on the jeans)
is really too big.
My teeth should be whiter.

Have I considered implants?
Is that a wrinkle?
Does my boyfriend match up to these guys?

Wait, you don't have a boyfriend?!

Scramble, flash, switch those digital ads.
It's an emergency!
Single men here, single men there,
get one tonight, make your life complete.


John 1:12. I am God's child. 
I am complete in Christ. Colossians 2:10.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20. I am God's temple.
Romans 8:31-34. I am free from condemnation.
I can stand firm in Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.
Ephesians 2:10. I am God's workmanship.

I am God's workmanship.
I am God's.
I am...